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What is whois protect?

What is whois protect and how does it works?

Whois Protect your privacy momently!
Did you know that, according to the ICANN's rules and regulations, every domain name owner in the world is required to disclose their real information; including their name, address, telephone number and email address? This information is stored in a public-access whois database, where your personal information is available for the entire world to see. The availability of these databases not only jeopardize the privacy of your contact information, they also tend to attract spammers and other web users with malicious intention. is there any way to stop this invasion of your privacy? Yes, ID Shield comes right for you.

How does whois protect work?

OnlineNIC whois protect act as a firewall between you and outside world, instead of your personal information being available to public, the eyes of information prier will target at OnlineNIC whois protect.

  • We replace your registrant, technical, admin and billing information.
  • Although the whois information shows our information, you retain full ownership of the domain.
  • You can pause/resume your whois protect service on a domain for three times for free.
  • You have complete control over the domain, you can manage all facets of the domain via your control panel like domains without ID Shield service.
  • Email address listed in each contact will be changed constantly to avoid being bombarded by spamer.
Information for this article given from OnlineNic website.